Today I've read several news articles about President Obama calling the owner of the Phillidelphia Eagles and congratulating him on hiring Michael Vick, for giving someone getting out of prison a second chance...truly offensive is that one of these articles is accompanied by a picture of President Obama playing with his dog while carrying a football.
Michael Vick was convicted and sent to prison for running a dog fighting ring. There's nothing warm & fuzzy about dog fighting. He was raising dogs with the sole purpose of fighting other dogs, probably to the death. In the course of doing this he was torturing other dogs, the bait dogs. The bait dogs are used to train the fighting dogs, and are generally torn apart by the fighting dogs, only to be soon replaced with new bait dogs. Some of the tortures that all the dogs endure include:electrocution, having their teeth pulled out, being beaten, being hung, you get the idea.
Okay, the man served his time and is now out of prison. Apparently, he is a good athlete, so that excuses all his other actions? I don't hardly think so. People who torture animals are sociopaths, they have no regard for others. A couple of weeks ago, Michael Vick, said in an interview that he'd like to get another dog...ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME????? He continued on to say that he thought he'd be a good dog owner and his kids really want a dog. Really, doesn't anyone else see the problems with this? He's still on parole and not allowed to own a dog as a term of his release. Did I mention he RAN a dog fighting ring? And he thinks he'd make a good dog owner??? This hardly sounds like a rehabilitated man to me.
So, the impression I'm left with, is that if the sociopath is an exceptional athlete, then all can be forgiven. My co-worker's opinion is that President Obama is looking for a second chance with people himself. Personally, the whole thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth & I've got nothing for either of them. I would consider second chances for people who are truly repentant, but I'm not seeing that from either of them.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 4, 2010
It all began June 13, 1985...a Thursday

I tried to get out of it, but she wasn't having it & I didn't leave myself an out. So super nervous about what I was getting into, I got into the car with her in the early afternoon & went out to her house. Since I was so nervous she convinced me that we should have a glass of wine to settle my nerves. I'm not a drinker & this was basically the last time I drank anything alcoholic. Alcohol usually upsets my stomach & I end up throwing up after a swallow or two. I kept this down & basically we got the giggles. All my friend would tell me was that he looked like a football player, she thought he had lightish hair & possibly blue eyes.
When I heard the car pull up, I ran into her bedroom to see if I could get a sneak peek, while she went out to greet them. I saw her boyfriend get out of the car first & kind of panicked...he was cute, but soooo not my type. Then I saw her hug him & was so relieved that I just walked back out to the living room & sat down.
I still remember the first time I saw Gregg. He was wearing a light blue polo shirt and Levis. The first thing I noticed was his chest-it was pretty impressive. Then his eyes, they are REALLY blue. Then I realized he was gorgeous. I went back into ultra nervousness.
Rick's car was a 1978 (I think) Trans Am...Gregg & I were in the tiny backseat. Rick & Alecia were in the front seat having an argument. The whole thing was awkward to say the least. We got into town & went to a store. Gregg & I stayed in the car and made chit chat about how awkward we felt about "the argument". Then we all decided to see the movie "Fletch". Gregg had already seen it, but was willing to see it again. I told him then that I would ask him what was going to happen next, that I would really bug him about it, but don't tell me because I hate that. At the theater I proceeded to do exactly's a small character flaw, I also usually read the last page of a book after completing the first chapter. I need to know how it ends in case something comes up & I can't finish the book...or just to make sure it has a happy ending before I get too invested in it.
After the movie we went out the beach...and Rick & Alecia promptly disappeared. Gregg & I found a driftwood log to sit on & talked for hours. I got his life story & he got mine. He didn't try to make a move, and I didn't know what to think of that. He was/is a good guy who was just figuring out, at 21, that he didn't want his life to turn out like his parents' or his siblings'. He'd been sober for 8 months and had done it with out any real family support. I had just graduated from high school, had plans to go to college in the fall & study Criminal Justice so that I could be a cop. At this point in the conversation most guys felt the need to talk me out of that, Gregg didn't. He was amazed that I knew what I wanted to do & had a plan to do it already in place. He fell asleep in my lap on the way home & asked permission to hold my hand while he walked me to the door. We made plans to see each other that weekend.
I told another friend the next day that I'd met the man I was going to marry. This was a revelation to everyone. I was the one who'd always said I'd never get married, that in my 30's I'd adopt a kid-probably an 8 year old one. My dad had taught me basic car repair, basic home repairs. My mom made sure that I knew how to do laundry & one could convince me to learn how to cook. All preparations because I was never going to get married. I was pretty sure I'd never find a male of the species who would accept me the way I was. EVERY time I started dating a guy they'd try to change me...I was too independent, I was too smart, I was too self reliant...all things that I believe had attracted them in the first place, but then I stayed that way.
Gregg took me to the races on Sunday, and then we went out to Laverne Park & just hung out. Again, he'd hold my hand, but that was it. That night we were at my house watching movies. I was leaning against him on the couch & not a move to be made by him. I finally took matters into my own hands & kissed him. Apparently, that was all I needed to do. He was a slow starter, but once he got going...
We'd been dating a couple of weeks when he told me he loved me. Shocked the hell out of me. But that's always been the thing about Gregg, he tells me what he thinks & he tells me the truth, and he doesn't hold back. I really love this about him, I tend to be blunt to the point of rude myself, but this took me off guard. I knew how I felt about him, but wasn't anywhere near the point of being ready to tell him, it was still my closely guarded secret, and now I needed to say something. It was a deep breath, put on your big girl panties and tell the truth type of moment. I told him I loved him too, it was the truth, and it was real, but it scared the hell out of me-now he could hurt me & I don't do vulnerable well.
Of course, obviously things worked out. We got married just over 4 years after we met. I insisted on finishing college & living together for at least 6 months first...over my parents' objections and Gregg's too. We lived together for about 18 months of this just over 4 years.
During this 4 years Gregg worked his way through a couple of jobs, learning his craft-he used to do body work & paint cars, until he got chemical asthma & had go to work as a service advisor at the dealership he worked for. I graduated from college, decided that I wanted to stay in dispatch rather than go out on patrol. While Gregg was going to AA meetings, I went with him. I figured if this was something he was going to live with, then I needed to know too. The people at the meetings were very supportive of my coming to meetings with him, for which I will always be grateful.

Our original plan was to live together for six months, after I'd lived on my own for a little bit (just to make sure I could do it-I lived on my own for about 6 weeks before Gregg moved in with me), and then go to Reno or Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator. I loved this plan, but our families had other plans. After Gregg moved in we started ring hunting. This proved to be problematic and ended up taking a year...during this year we also both lost our jobs, got new jobs and had to move-twice. Our argument over the ring was this:Gregg wanted to get a "traditional" wedding set. This meant one of those Love Story sets that were all the rage in the 80's. I hated them, they were cookie cutter rings. I wanted a simple gold band and a solitary ruby engagement ring. Gregg hated this idea, he wanted traditional, to him that meant a diamond. I tried to explain that traditional was really a colored stone, that the diamond industry had made diamonds "traditional", but they really weren't. He didn't buy it. So we'd hit the jewelry stores. I'd pick out what I liked, he'd pick out what he liked & never the two did meet. Then one night we weren't looking, just walking by the store & I saw the perfect set in the window. I grabbed Gregg, showed him & he liked it too! We went into the store and it was far too expensive for us to afford. We were devastated, the first set we both could agree on in a year and we couldn't get it. Then the clouds parted and the salesman told us that the rings in that window went on sale for half price tomorrow and if we opened an account with the store it would be another 10% off...we could afford it! I was there when the store opened the next day getting my rings.
We were so excited & called everyone. This was in February. We told everyone we'd get married in the summer and invited them all to come with us to Reno or Vegas. Then something unprecedented happened. Our two families got together and decided that they really wanted us to have a church wedding, figured out what date was best for everyone on both sides, reserved the church and then told us when & where we were getting married. I was ready to revolt, but Gregg wanted to go along & make everyone happy & talked me into it. Suddenly I had to plan this wedding that I'd never planned on having & I didn't have a clue what to do. I got it done, but it wasn't pretty. Then the disasters happened. The priest who was going to marry us was in a fairly serious car accident two weeks before the wedding...right after that the flower girl broke her little leg. The priest was determined to marry us, and the flower girl demanded to still be the flower girl came down the aisle wearing her pink cast (after telling the hilarious story of how she broke it, complete with a spin & throwing herself to the ground in the lobby of the church just before the ceremony), and the priest married us while a little stoned on pain killers. This included him initially trying to marry Gregg off to my sister Kathy, until his wee error was pointed out to him. Then of course the ring bearer, after bringing the ring to his dad perfectly, decided to sprint around the alter with his mom in full pursuit. It was actually a pretty entertaining wedding.

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