I'm not much for causes. The reason being is that people should always do the right thing, if they follow that tennant, there's really no reason for causes.
That said, people don't always do the right thing, either out of ignorance, they don't care, or they're greedy. And then there's the sad causes where no one is at fault, it just is what it is. These are the one's that break your heart.
I'm going to list the blogs of two little girls who are quite sick. The first one has an aggressive form of cancer that has caused a tumor in her brain. She's just undergone some really heavy doses of chemo & is preparing to start radiation. This is her 2nd round. She has good days & bad days, and I just cry for her & her family. And pray. It's about all you can do, she's in the hands of her doctors & God. Here is the link to her mother's blog: www.caringbridge.org/visit/mcraekate
The other little girl is Gabriella and I've been following her a lot longer. She has been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect/disease and needs a transplant. This fall she had a stroke because of the heart issue. She's recovered from the stroke & is now on the transplant list. I really love her mom's positive attitude. Gabriella doesn't look sick & she's doing really well right now. Fingers crossed that this continues until she gets her "sparkly, new heart". Here is the link to her mother's blog: http://listeningthruthenoise.blogspot.com/
You can also find this link on Ashleigh's blog.
I also make Mother Bear Project bears for...Mother Bear Project. I crochet these cute little bears following their pattern & send them in. They send them out to children affected by HIV/AIDS in developing countries. These poor babies need comfort & this bear might be the only thing they have to provide this. My goal this year is to send in one bear a month for the whole year...so far I'm on track & might even be able to do more than one bear a month. If you'd like more information their link is: www.motherbearproject.org/
I also contribute to Angels for Hope. I make one crochet angel a week & send it out to whoever they assign me to for that week. The angels are always free and anyone can request one sent to whomever you know that might need one. The link for this organization is: www.angelsforhope.org/
And last but not least are the blankie bears. Blankie bears are a small granny square afghan with a teddy bear head. It's a pattern that I created for my great nephew Booger...known as Skyler to the rest of the world. My niece wanted me to make a baby afghan for him, since her grandmother has passed away. Grandma Beth always made a baby afghan for all the grandkids. I always make them a bear. I LOVE to make teddy bears. I hate to make afghans. The blankie bear was my compromise. I've made them for other friends' kids too, and I've sold a few. I still make them for this reason, but now I also make them & give them to Child Welfare to give to little ones going into foster care. I hear that the kids love these. I usually get 4-5 done a month, sometimes more, depends on what I've got for free time. I'd love to get more people making these so that there are more to distribute, I don't even put a dent into the kids who need them.
The picture at the top of this blog entry is what the blankie bears look like.
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