Around Thanksgiving a little white kitten showed up at our food dishes. Very skittish, wouldn't let us anywhere close. My son, Doug, spent hours outside trying to convince kitten to come to him. She would come close, but not close enough & wouldn't let him touch. Then on Dec 30th, 2010, she somehow got into my husband's shop. The kids cornered her & Riley, my daughter, caught her. She's got some Siamese somewhere in the background-her ears & tail are orange, and I would guess between 4-5 months old. And she's a girl.

We named her Sophia, and from the start Doug is clearly her favorite. And I do mean clearly, she literally lights up when Doug is in the room & ignores everyone else. She treats him like a jungle gym and plays on him, and then will cuddle up to sleep. Last night Riley & I went to the store, when we got home Doug was sleeping sitting up on the couch w/Sophie on his lap w/his hand over her back...she was wide awake, but not leaving her boy.

It's really very cute. My son is not dainty, but Sophie is, and she has absolutely no fear of him whatsoever. In fact she demands that he pay attention to her and will cuddle with him as long as he'll let her.

She likes the rest of us too, just not as much as she loves Doug. Here's Riley with her the night we caught her.

And this was right after she was caught...she stepped in some motor oil, that was cleaned off right away.
She's getting used to the dogs and Tottie. Cookie already has adopted her and Cassie wants nothing to do with her. Cookie, Tottie, and Cassie are our other cats. She's pretty much lost all fear of us, we haven't tried to introduce her to other people quite yet, but soon.
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