So, Thursday a rescue group came from Lane County and picked up Cody. He went to a foster home & apparently they like him so much that they are already talking about keeping him.
Flashback, Tuesday, the only day we could make it to the shelter this week. Bittersweet day as we lavish some attention on Cody & say our goodbyes. We walked him & loved on him & snuck him a BUNCH of his favorite beefy biscuits. He'd jump up on Riley, one paw on each shoulder, head level with hers & just lick her face. I told her she probably should stop him from doing the jumping up thing, but she just let him anyway. I emailed Nicole, employee at the shelter, a copy of the biscuit recipe & she forwarded it to his foster family, so at least he won't be without his treats hopefully.
Back to Thursday...another favorite of mine, Hemi, also got adopted. Hemi is half Australian Shepard/half New Foundland...at 7 months old he's already almost as big as Cody, is brindle and striped like a tiger w/a perfect circle on his forehead & just the sweetest guy ever. Walks very well on a leash & knows "sit".
Flashback further & there was Fluffball, Penny, Daisy, Ruger, the foster puppy...all favorites, all adopted.
Don't get me wrong, it's great when they get adopted. I want them all to have good homes & happy lives. I also want visitation rights, I want to be able to check in & make sure that they really are happy & in good homes. Of course this is not realistic, but there's an emotional investment in these little guys & girls that insists that I KNOW for SURE that everything is perfect for them. Not gonna happen, I just have to trust in God to look out for these little friends of mine...they all deserve happiness & security with good families.
Now, on to getting my Precious & Gil adopted...anyone looking for a female Boxer/Terrier mix that's a complete goofball, or a male 18mos old Rott/Mastiff mix whose got a head the size of a basketball & some growing yet to do, but doesn't pull me around on a leash and sits real pretty for a biscuit?
Quick update...Precious went to the same rescue group who picked up Cody...might even be the same foster home, which is good, they were buddies.
ReplyDeleteGil is still there, but I'm trying to talk a co-worker into adopting him.