Welcome to It's All About Michelle!

This will be about what I'm doing, what I'm thinking & where I'm going...probably some other stuff too.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bragging Rights

So today the report cards came in the mail. Riley got straight A's! We also got the results from her state tests back & she scored at the high end her grade level for reading/writing (just 2 pts away from exceptional), and scored exceptional in math & science. All good news for Riley.

I'm going with Doug had a good report card too. He got a 3.33 gpa, 4 A's, 1 B, and 1 D...not too happy about the D in English, especially since he got an A in Spanish 2. But he was taking hard classes:Chemistry (A), Trig (B), Computer hardware/networking (A), Oceanography (A). He also got college credits for the Chemistry & Trig, so in overall view I'm going to overlook the D this time.

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