He does have a stick fetish...he "Rugersizes" them. He chews them up into pieces. He got adopted a couple of weeks back right after he got attacked, but the new owners had to return him. They rent & their landlords are their neighbors. He was rejected by the landlords because he's a pitbull. Really it wasn't fair at all, you'll almost never meet a dog as good natured as Ruger.
He does love his toys. He'll play out back w/balls, stuffed bones, and his favorite-the tug of war toy!
I love this picture of Ruger, it shows what a sweetie pie he is. He's really playful & fun loving.
For a cute video of Ruger & Riley playing tug of war click on this link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PUoxVDZxlI
Ruger got adopted yesterday! A very nice young couple adopted him & best of all on the ride home he got to ride in the front seat of the pickup & the woman moved to the center so he could have the window!