Gidgett is still at our house. She's put on a about 1.5 lbs(I even had to let her collar out), has been flea treated & has had a couple of baths. Here she is taking over Riley's comforter. She is doing very well on her house breaking & hasn't had an inside accident in days. She likes having the freedome to go outside whenever she wants so we just leave the back door open for her.

Here she is begging...she loves pork and pizza. She is learning how to be a dog. She follows Gracie Lou around & mimics her, it's really cute. Gregg got home the other night & Gracie is dancing all around him & jumping up for attention & Gidgett was running circles around the two of them...she knew she was supposed to be doing something, but you could tell she didn't get quite what. But, when I came home for lunch yesterday, she had figured it out & ran to the door to greet me just like Gracie did. We've only heard her bark three times. The first time was her 2nd day at our house...she barked at Gregg when he came home, while she was sitting on the recliner with me. 2nd time was when she came in from the backyard & there was a neighbor she hadn't met yet in our house. 3rd time was last night when one of Doug's friends she hadn't met yet came over. It's just two barks, kinda just a warning of stranger danger & that's it, so it's good she's not a yippy little dog.

And while I was at work, Riley was in charge & dressed her & Gracie. Gracie puts up with it, but can't you tell by this look that poor little Gidgett wants out of this thing! I rescued her from it later when Riley wasn't looking. They've got her picture up on Facebook for the Shelter & there's been lots of talk about her under it, so I'm betting she gets adopted soon. I'm hoping for a nice older couple who will be patient with her while she continues learning how to be a dog.
Shes precious! She'd be the perfect dog for our Gabriella!!!!!!!!!! I wish we could take her! We have been looking for a small dog, something sweet and that Gabriella could love on. <3
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