This is Gidgett. She came into the shelter last Friday. Her owners said they'd only had her a week and she was sick, they thought with Parvo. They said they got her from a puppy mill & were more worried about getting their carrier back than the little dog inside. Turns out she didn't have Parvo, just dehydrated & underweight. She's even smaller that Gracie Lou, so probably will come in under 5lbs at full weight. Wednesday we agreed to foster her overnight to see how she did in a home.

Poor little bit doesn't know how to act like a dog and definately isn't housebroken. We're working on both issues. We also make sure that she has food available to her at all times & she's definately eating & putting on some weight. She slept with Riley on the couch on Thursday night and woke her up in the early morning hours by licking her nose...she then moved down & started licking feet & ankles. When I got up she sat under the computer desk and licked my feet & ankles...and ate a whole bowl of food. Thursday night she also got a bath, which she didn't particularly care for, but liked all the cuddling afterwards.

Gidgett looks just like a little Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix that my mom had for years named Bridgett, who passed away when Riley was a baby. Took me a couple of days to figure out just why I got so attached so fast, but when it came to me it all made sense. She does have a tail, it's fluffy & curved when she's not afraid & has it tucked. This was taken shortly after we got her home on Wednesday night. Probably by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week they'll know what they're going to do with her, so we'll just have her for a week. So far her favorite places are on the afghan on Gregg's chair like in the top picture, or if I'm sitting in my chair to have the foot rest up & she sits between my feet. I've tried to get her to sit on my lap, but she more comfortable down lower.
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